Fort Myers, FL 1/04/06

We arrived short of supplies, in need of a decent shower and laundry facilities. The boat was so dirty we could hardly stand it. We think one of us is shedding or maybe it is that new rug we bought for the salon. Hope so.
On our first walk along the waterfront we stopped at Centennial Marina to look up another boater, Marv Market on Dee Light, who we had corresponded with near the beginning of our trip. We found him and Betty on the boat and enjoyed a visit with them. They are very friendly and offered us a car for a day to go shopping and take care of a couple of appointments.
Later tonight we heard about a "Looper" get-together at Joe's Crab Shack for cocktails and dinner. When we arrived we were surprised to find about 25 "Loopers" congregated in the bar. We found a few familiar faces, "Pilgrim" and "We Be Blest" and met many more "Loopers" by the end of the night. We pulled together several tables to make one long one to accommodate all of us. It is just amazing how many people are doing this trip and how incredibly friendly everyone is.
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