Savannah, GA – 4/6-8/06

We've had the pleasure to be in Savannah, GA for the last 3 days and what a great town it is. From it's inception the city was laid out with a park square every few blocks, 24 in all. Around the park squares many beautiful homes were built and plenty still survive today. The town was spared during the Civil War because the south surrendered the town to Union forces.
We saw the park that was used in the "Forest Gump" movie that Tom Hanks starred in. We also saw the Home and area that was written about in the novel, and hit movie, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". Lisa is now reading the book.
There is so much history here that 2 days exploring was not quite enough. We'll be back.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we are off to Beaufort, N.C. for the AGLCA Rendezvous. We will be joining up with many other Loopers that we have met while doing this trip. Lots of activities and food. The fun never stops.
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