Reedville, VA, Anchorage– 5/17/06

Time to anchor out again. Along the Chesapeake there are a lot of opportunities to find beautiful, peaceful spots tucked away near little towns. We found such a one in Reedville today.
We set anchor near a fork in the river within sight of the town. Then we dingyed in to see the Fishing Museum and see what else we could find to explore. It is kind a sleepy little place but we learned a lot about fishing in this area, Jim found himself some ice cream and we found a seafood building where all they did was package soft shell crabs. This kind man took pity on our lack of crab knowledge and took us through the shop and explained how the crabs molt and work their way out of their shells so that their whole body is soft for a short period of time before they start to grow the new shell. That is when they pick them. So, we bought a whole box to freeze. Now just have to figure out how to cook them.
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